Scraping 3rd-Party Ticket Prices Using Stubhub's API

I have a colleague working in entertainment that needed to gather ticket prices on 3rd party sales to get a reading on the popularity and pricing of events. Currently, the colleague’s company pays a large sum to a contractor to scrape this data daily. We wanted to see if this was possible and easy to do using the StubHub API.

Writing Liquid Template in Markdown Code Blocks with Jekyll

When I was writing another blog post on listing blog posts by tags in Jekyll, I came across a curious problem when I try to write liquid template code in my markdown file. Evidently, when Jekyll compiles the static web files, it tries to process all the double curly brackets like {{ and {%, which of course leads to errors.

Tracing American Culture and Language Through NYT Crossword Puzzles

Project 4 at Metis is focused around unsupervised machine learning and Natural Language Processing. But we also incorporate MongoDB for data storage, Flask as a Python based web framework, and visualization with D3. I love crossword puzzles and have been doing them for many years. Can I combine crossword puzzles with data science?!

Next Steps After Metis

Wow! So my 12 week at Metis is over. Here’s a recap of the last week at Metis - the whirlwind that included my final project, the career day presentation, and my next steps after Metis.

Thoughts from the Final Week of Metis

So this is the final week of Metis and I’m busy working on the final project with crossword puzzles, but I also had some time to reflect of my journey so far. I’ve put in a lot over these 12 weeks, worked really hard, learned a lot, and have some great projects to demonstrate. But at the same time I feel like I know less about data science today then when I did coming in.