Week 2 and 3 at Metis

Week 3 of Metis Datascience Bootcamp just wrapped up today with project presentations of our 2nd project. My project on movie data will be featured in next post, but here’s what else we’ve done in the past 2 weeks, including linear regression, web scraping, and statistics…

Liv Buli of Next Big Sound Talks to Metis Data Science

Every student at the bootcamp were staying late and working through the night on their movie data project, so it was a very nice break when our guest speaker Liv Buli came to speak to us on Thursday night…

Investigation: Data Science in Insurance

At Metis, investigations are a chance for students to present a topic in machine learning or data science more broadly. I looked into Natural Language Processing and offered a glimpse of my experience with data science in insurance.


Last week, something weird happened on a Google search page. I was searching for “list comprehensions” when part of the result page right underneath the search field opened up with a black header.

Week 1 at Metis

Just wrapped the first week at Metis with our first project presentation and here are some of the cool stuff that I learned: